Tag: cheap dianette online

Dianette: A Reliable Contraceptive Pill

Dianette is a reliable and effective contraceptive pill if taken correctly. It is also prescribed to treat skin conditions related to androgen sensitivity such as acne and excessive hair growth in women of reproductive age. It contains a combination of 2mg Cyproterone Acetate and 0.035mg Ethinyl estradiol. It works by blocking the receptor on which androgen mainly works.

Androgens are the hormone produced by both the male and female. In female, androgens are responsible for stimulating the growth of body hair and production of osetrogen .In the female’s body, when the androgen start producing too much it causes excessive hair growth and severe acne along with amenorrhea.

Cyproterone acetate is an anti androgen in Dianette, which play a significant role in improving the androgen sensitive skin by blocking the receptors in the body on which androgens normally act on. Moreover it also lessens the amount of androgens produced by the ovaries.


Dianette contains a blend of Cyproterone Acetate and Ethinyl estradiol, it prevents pregnancy by blocking the release of an egg by the ovary as well as it changes the thickness of cervical mucus making it difficult to the sperm to cross. It also makes the lining of the womb unsuitable for the implantation of the fertilized egg.

This medicine is also an effective combined oral contraceptive pill. Cyproterone acetate is a progestogen derivative, and the other ingredient, ethinyl estradiol, is a synthetic version of the naturally-occurring female hormone, oestrogen. The medicine works as a contraceptive by preventing the ripening and release of eggs from the ovaries, as well as increasing the thickness of the cervical mucus, making it more difficult to the sperm to cross from the vagina into the womb. It also prevents implantation of fertilized egg in the womb.

Dianette should not be taken by the female who are pregnant or breastfeeding, overweight and smoke more than 40 cigarettes in a day. Female who ever had any kind of allergy to Dianette or any of its ingredients should not take this drug. In case of any bleeding disorder or abnormal clot women should not take this drug.

For the effective result, women should take it correctly as prescribed. In a pack of Dianette it total contains 21 tablets containing the same hormone in it.The female should take 21 active pills regularly at the same time with or without food, with a break of 7 days. In those 7 days, the level of the hormone get lowers and female get normal bleeding.

Dianette cause frequent side effect include Nausea and vomiting, Abdominal pain, Headache, Weight changes, Water retention, Breast tenderness, Raised blood pressure, Vaginal thrush, Changes in your menstrual cycle (lighter periods or breakthrough bleeding),Depression, Reduced sex drive, Changes in your skin, Disturbed liver function, Gallstones.

Safety tips

  • Dianette should be used for acne treatment, only when the condition of the skin has not been improved by other methods such as an antibiotics or topical application.
  • Dianette doesn’t provide any kind of protection against the sexually transmitted disease such as HIV or Chlamydia. Only condom can provide the protection against the sexually transmitted disease.
  • Don’t take other contraceptive pill while taking Dianette. It should not be taken by a female who diagnosed with a history of breast cancer and unexplained vaginal bleeding.
  • In case of pain on breathing or coughing, coughing up blood, sudden breathlessness, stabbing pains and/or unusual swelling in one leg, sudden severe chest pain, migraine or severe headaches discontinue the intake of Dianette

Buy Dianette online at the best rate and have children according to your wish.