What’s the big deal about “the little blue pill”?

The first real breakthrough in the treatment of erectile dysfunction came in 1983. Prior to that time, it was thought that erectile dysfunction — the inability to achieve an erection — was not curable.

That concept came loud down at the 1983 American Urological Association meeting in Las Vegas when Dr. Giles Brindley injected his penis with the drug phentolamine. Following the injection, Brindley appeared on stage and dropped his pants to display one of the first drug-induced erections to the incredulous audience of urologists.

Smooth muscle plays a key role in every erection, and phentolamine is a drug that relaxes smooth muscle. The reason why an injection of phentolamine produced an erection was especially interesting in 1983 because no one had really thought about it before.

Viagra makes the process a whole lot easier by doing the same kind of thing with a pill instead of an injection. Another benefit of Viagra over an injection of phentolamine is that Viagra only causes an erection when the man is sexually aroused. Phentolamine, by contrast, causes an immediate and unrestrained erection.

Sildenafil is called a phosphodiesterase PDE5 enzyme inhibitor, and works by preventing the action of a chemical in the body called phosphodiesterase PDE5. Viagra tablets contain the active ingredient sildenafil, which is a medicine used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction (impotence). Sildenafil is also available without a brand name, i.e. as the generic medicine helps a man to have an erection or have a better erection with his penis during sex. Also treats pulmonary arterial hypertension (high blood pressure in the lungs) in both men and women.

How does Sildenafil or Generic Viagra works?

Cyclic GMP (Cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)) causes the blood vessels in the penis to widen by relaxing a thin layer of muscle found in the blood vessel walls. This allows more blood to enter the penis, which ultimately results in the penis becoming rigid and erect.

Cyclic GMP(Cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP))  is normally broken down by chemical in the body called phosphodiesterase type 5. Sildenafil works by preventing the action of phosphodiesterase type 5, thus stopping the breakdown of cyclic GMP. This means that the blood vessels are kept dilated for longer, improving blood flow to the penis and maintaining an erection.

As sildenafil enhances the actions of the chemical messengers responsible for producing an erection, it will only work once these messengers are present. This means that sexual stimulation is required for it to produce and maintain an erection. The dose should be taken approximately one hour before you intend to have sex.

Generic Viagra provide the desirable erection, due to its best chemical ingredient Sildenafil citrate.  This drug is proven to be the best anti-impotent drug to treat the problem of erectile dysfunction in men and bring great sexual pleasure in bed. Generic Viagra improves and increase the flow of blood to gain a natural erectile when the men is sexually stimulate. This medicine provides complete guarantees to give you an excellent result. This drug will help you to boost your sexual energy in a way that will enjoy your sexual acts to the maximum level. This quick and long lasting effect of Sildenafil citrate makes this drug one of the best medication treatment for erectile dysfunction. Generic Viagra is simply easy to use and it has the ability to give amazing results. This drug has come up with good result and it has started a new life of old men by giving them complete pleasure by using this drug for erectile dysfunction.

People using this drug can get rid of impotence and the most popular use of this erectile dysfunction pill is that it can work best in case where erectile dysfunction has major impact on the men’s organ. This drug can be easily available online pharmacy at reasonable rate. This drug can be taken with glass of water and one single pill is enough to give the best result in bed.

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Generic Medicine Carisoprodol (Soma)

Carisoprodol (Soma)

In our day to day activity, everyone of us suffer from mild to severe body pain caused due to many problems like hectic working schedule, wrong sitting and sleeping  posture, heavy workout in the gym, wear and tear of mussels due to ageing and many more the list is very long. To get rid of pains like this we chose for many know pain killers and muscle relaxant. In the same series Carisoprodol (Soma) is one name which is worldwide acceptable. Known by its brand names Soma or Soma Compound, Carisoprodol (Soma) is a skeletal muscle relaxant FDA (Food and Drug Administration) indicated for the relief of acute, painful musculoskeletal conditions in adults. Carisoprodol (Soma) is available in varying strength and composition with aspirin and codeine phosphate in 200mg tablet, 250mg and 350mg tablets. An individual can become addicted because of the potential abuse of Carisoprodol (Soma).  The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in one of its rulings dated December 12, 2011, categorized Carisoprodol (Soma) a Schedule IV controlled substance effective January 12, 2012. This ruling will placed Carisoprodol (Soma) in the controlled substance scheduled list, which means specific handling and dispensing rules must be followed.

Carisoprodol (Soma) is marketed in deferent countries with deferent brand names in the US under the brand name Soma and in the United Kingdom and other countries under the brand names Sanoma and Carisoma.

Physical Character:-

Carisoprodol (Soma) is partially soluble in water and is fully soluble in alcohol, chloroform and acetone. It is bitter in test, is color less have a mild, characteristic odor. The drug’s solubility is practically independent of pH.


Route Onset Peak Duration
Oral 30 min 1–2 hr 4–6 hr

Metabolism: Hepatic; T1/2: 8 hr

Distribution: May cross placenta; enters breast milk

Excretion: Urine

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