Get pleasure in sexual life with Super Avana

Super Avana is a very well known medicine, which can effectively and successfully rectify all the sexual worries like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation in males. It contains two main active constituents like Avanafil and Dapoxetine. Only one tablet of Super Avana is sufficient to treat sexual disabilities in men.Buy Super Avana online to efficiently resolve the sexual issues and make your night romantic and memorable.

Nowadays, many guys are suffering from sexual issues due to unhealthy lifestyles and these sexual issues may affect your healthy and happy love life of men. After getting sexual disorders, men lose their self esteem and hope during intimacy. Sexual disorder needs an instant awareness otherwise it becomes a reason for splitting of relations, breakup and divorce.

Usually, guys are faces the feeling of embarrassment while discussing the problem with their partners and physicians. They feel guilt and shame when they incapable to give 100% during the lovemaking act. Sexual problem brings unhappiness, depression, stress, tension and worry in the relationship. Sexual problem disturbs the man by physically, mentally and financially. Sexual disorders directly or indirectly affect the lovemaking session and let down the partner.

Understand sexual issues-

Erectile dysfunction-It is a condition in which a male patient is powerless to attain and prolong an appropriate penile erection during sexual intercourse. It is mainly diagnosed at the age of 40 to 60 years.  It is caused due to various reasons like sanitary lifestyle, physical and psychological reasons.

Premature ejaculation-It is a condition in which the man ejaculates just before reaching the climax or just after the penetration is known as premature ejaculation. It can occur at the age of 18 years.

Effectively solve your sexual issues with Super Avana-

Super Avana is a blend of two chief active ingredients such as generic Sildenafiland Dapoxetine. It is manufactured by the Sunrise remedies. Both of active ingredients solve the problem in a different manner-

  • Generic Sildenafil citrate is indicated to manage the symptoms of erectile dysfunction or impotence. Sildenafil simply works by inhibiting the actions of PDE type-5 enzyme and improve the blood stream towards the private organ of men and induces stiffer and harder erection in men.
  • Generic Dapoxetine is indicated for managing the indications of premature ejaculation by inhibiting the actions of serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Therapeutic dose of Super Avana-

The proper dose of this medication is very important for getting the best outcomes. You have to consume a single tablet of Super Avana just before 30 minutes of physical intimacy. It should be taken via the oral cavity with a full glass of water. It should be taken with or without food. The effective actions of this medicine may remain up to 4to6 hours and you can easily reach the climax and finally your partner is satisfied with your performance. You should not consume more than one tablet within a whole day.

Various adverse effects occur while taking super Avana-

Feeling of drowsiness, stomach upset, headache, skin rashes, nausea, muscle pain, difficulty in swallowing, chest pain and irregular heartbeat.

Self care instruction while consuming super Avana-

  • Cardiac patients should not consume this drug.
  • It is strictly inadvisable in case of renal and hepatic disorder.
  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages along with this medicine.
  • Grapefruit and its extract should not to be taken along with this preparation as it delays the actions of the drug.
  • Youngsters below the age of 18 years should not get this drug.
  • Females should not take this medicine.
  • Avoid the utilization of nitrate and nitroglycerin medicines along with this drug as it may severely fall your blood pressure.

Buy Super Avana online to efficiently resolve the sexual issues and make your night romantic and memorable.

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