Overcome Your Menopausal Symptoms with Premarin

Premarin is the Number One, most recommended estrogen therapy. This drugcomprises conjugated estrogens, a mixture of estrogens acquired from natural sources. Estrogen is a female sexual hormone formed by the ovaries (female reproductive organ). This hormone is neededfor many processes in the body.

Premarin is a remarkable estrogen pill used to:

  • treat the symptoms of menopause such as hot bursts, burning, irritation and vaginal dryness (being the most important use of this drug)
  • replace estrogen in women with ovarian failure or other disorders in which there occurs a lack of natural estrogen in the body
  • prevent osteoporosis (bones become fragile and delicate, characteristically as a result of deficiency of calcium or vitamin D or hormonal changes) in postmenopausal women

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What is menopause?

The absence of menstrual periods for 12 months (1 year) is known as menopause. During menopause, the function of ovaries ceasesand results in the termination of pregnancy. Most women reach the menopausal stage between 45 and 55 years of age.

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Functions of ovary

  • Ovary is a female reproductive gland which produces oocytes (eggs) for fertilisation.During each monthly menstrual cycle, an egg is released from one ovary.
  • Also it produces the female reproductive hormones, oestrogen and progesterone, that regulates the development of female physical characteristics such as breasts, and body hair and body shape. These hormones also control the pregnancy and menstrual cycle.

Symptoms of menopause

  • Vaginal and urinary symptoms
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Hot flashes
  • Vaginal dryness and itching
  • Mood changes
  • Fatigue
  • Tiredness
  • Stress

Complications that women may develop after menopause

  • Heart Disease (risk of heart illness increases after menopause)
  • Osteoporosis (estrogen is important for new bone production by supporting the formation of bone-producing cells)
  • Weight Gain
  • Urinary Problems (unintentional release of urine is common in aged women, mainly after menopause)

Healthy lifestyle changes to be adopted to prevent menopause complications

  • Quit smoking and eat a proper, healthy diet rich infruits, vegetables and whole grains. This will help keep your body defended against heart problems.
  • One should keep a control over her weight. Losing weight will help both in managing the urinary problems and menstrual complications.
  • Take a diet rich in Vitamin D and calcium and Regular exercise can prevent osteoporosis in women.

Premarin is an excellent hormone replacement therapy to treat menopausal symptoms. This drug comes in the form of 0.3 mg, 0.45 mg, 0.625 mg, 0.9 mg, and 1.25 mg tablets. It is available in the various formulations: tablet, liquid for injection and cream.

How to take Premarin?

  • Patients should be treated with the lowest effective dose of Premarin. The initial dose is 0.3 mg each day for treating the symptoms of menopause, and then the dose can be increased to the lowest possible dose that may control your symptoms.
  • You may take Premarin every day for 25 days, after that stop taking this drug for the last 5 days in the 30dayperiod.
  • If your estrogen levels are low, you may take Premarin for 21 days and stop taking for 7 days during a 28day cycle.

Common Premarin side effects may include headache, hair loss, nausea, vomiting, swelling in your hands or feet, breast pain or tenderness, light vaginal bleeding or spotting, vaginal itching or discharge, stomach cramps and changes in your menstrual periods.

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  • Avoid taking Premarin if you are suffering from any of the following conditions:
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Allergic reaction to estrogens
  • Blood clotting or bleeding disorder
  • Hormone-related cancer likeuterine or breast cancer
  • Heart disorder such as heart attack or stroke
  • Neurological disease such as dementia
  • Liver disease
  • Breathing problem like asthma
  1. It is important to have regular physical exams and examine your breasts on your own on a monthly basis for lumps while taking this drug.
  2. Do not take Premarin if you are pregnant or breast-feeding a baby.
  3. Do not take alcohol or alcoholic beverages while taking this drug as it may increase the risk of developing uterine or breast cancers to some extent.
  4. Avoid drinking grapefruit juice while taking Premarin.

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